Monday, April 21, 2014

chapter 8

Scout and Jem see snow for the first time. School is canceled because it has been the coldest winter they ever had in history. Scout and Jem both are excited and go after Miss Maudies’s snow to build a snowman. Since there wasn’t enough snow they had to build the snowman out of dirt and apply snow on top of it. The snowman resembled Mr. Avery, so Atticus thought they were making fun of the man and interdicts them to disguise it. Atticus takes Scout and Jem go out of the house because Miss Maudies’s house was burn down. Scout was to wait alone near Atticus and her brother and she suddenly finds out that she had a blanket on her. Jem says that Boo placed the blanket on her and decides to tell Atticus of all the presents they found and about the incident that happened with his pants. Scout got to see Boo and was about to throw up. The next day Miss Maudie tells Scout and Jem that she was not satisfied with her house, and it did not afflicted her to have lost her house, instead she was ready to build a smaller house with a large garden.  

chapter 7

Near the Radleys house there is a tree with a knothole. It was the same knothole where Scout found the gums. This time Scout and Jem found a ball of gray twine and since no one took it they took it home. We also know that Scout is apathetic about the school’s curriculum because it was as dreary as in first grade. There is also more presents found in the knothole such as two figures carved in soap that resembled Scout and Jem. Scout and Jem found out that the knothole was not filled with cement. Jem soon asks Nathan Radley, Boo’s brother why the tree was with cement. Mr. Radley said that he did it because the tree was dying. 

chapter 6

In chapter 6 we get to experience another adventure propensities from Jem, Dill and Scout. They all decided to sneak into the Radley place by peeking in the windows. All the sudden they see a shadow of a man with a hat and they escape under the fence of the schoolyard as soon as they heard a shotgun. When Jem, Scout and Dill escape, they find themselves with all the neighbors gather; Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Maudie tell the people that   Mr. Nathan Radley shot at a Negro in his yard. When Atticus ses Jem, he asks him were his pants were and Dill to cover him says that they were playing strip poker. Jem's pants was actually caught by the Radley fence when they were escaping.  In the night, Jem sneaks out to the Radley Place, and gets his pants.

Analysis: Chapters 4–6

Hitherto, we can see that Boo's character has been slowly changing. His abominable recognition is changing, now he is transforming from a monster into a human being. All the stricture are being sagged by the sympathetic people such as Aittucs, and  Miss Maudie. Their attiude is different towards Boo, they believe he is benevolent, and all the libels have turned him into a monster. Miss Maudie says that he is not a demon, and he is a victim that has suffered at the hands of a tyrannically religious family. Boo has lived a childhood with a mad father obsessed with sin and retribution. Boo is venerable by the people who know his real events of life that leaded him to be taciturn and sullen.

chapter 5

 Jem and Dill plan to give a note to Boo inviting him out to get ice cream with them. They try to stick the note in a window of the Radley Place with a fishing pole, but Atticus catches them and orders them to “stop tormenting that man” with either notes or the “Boo Radley” game.y talent for gardening, and cake baking. She also is friend with Atticus brother, jack and they met each other since they were kids. Miss Maudie Atkinson tell Scout that Boo is alive and was a victim of a harsh father who is no dead. Boo's father belonged to the “foot-washing” Baptist who believed that most people were going to hell. She says that Boo was a friendly and polite person, and all the rumors they talk about him are grim because they are false. Jem and Dill plan cannily to give a note to Boo saying if he wanted to eat ice cream with them, but Atticus caught them and told them to stop irking Mr. Boo.

chapter 4

During Scout's school is was dull, and pestering by all the interdicts of Miss Caroline to not go ahead of her curriculum. When Scout was walking by the Radley place she found a tinfoil out of a knothole in a oak tree, where she found two pieces of chewing gum. Scout tell Jem and he immediately tells her to spit out the gum.  The next time Scout and Jem passes by the Radley place, they both find a Indian-head” pennies hidden in the same knothole where the gums were found. School year ends and summer begins, Dill is back and they all start playing their games. The first game they played was to get inside the tire and roll. When it was Scout's turn she rolles into the Radley place and both Jem and Dill panic and immediately Scout gets out of the Radley place.  After this incident Jem invents a game dealing with Boo Radley, the game was acting out as if they were the Radley family. Atticus catches them cutting the newspaper with the scissors and suspects they were playing out the incident of the Radleys, and tell them to stop playing. The children decide to stop playing the game since it might not be safe to keep playing it.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chapter 3

In chapter 3, Scout was beating William Cunningham and Jem stopped her when he saw her in the schoolyard. Jem decides to invite William to eat lunch. When Atticus, Jem, Scout and William sat at the table ready to eat, William pours to his food molasses and Scout gives a criticized misdemeanour. Calpurnia calls Scout, and tells her to not be impolite to her guests.  

At Scouts class there is a boy named Burris Ewell who has lice and the teacher, Miss Caroline tells him to go home to wash his hair before going to school.  Burris Ewell was an Ewell which goes to school only once a day in the whole year just to satisfy the truant officer. Before the boy leaves he treats Miss Caroline in a mean way and leaves when Miss Caroline starts crying. Scout goes home and Calpurnia was waiting her with her favourite snack; crackling bread. Atticus asks her how her school day was but her attitude showS that she did not have a good day. Scout tells Atticus that she does not want to go back to school just like the Ewell does but Atticus tells her that they could get in trouble with the government if they did so. Atticus makes a promise with Scout and tell her that she'll keep going to school—but she shouldn't tell Miss Caroline about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter 2

In chapter two, we get to know that summer vacation has ended and Dill is ready to leave Maycomb and go back to his town, Meridian. Scout is also ready to go to school for the first time. Scout meets her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, who has a classic method of teaching to her students. Scout is a very smart girl, who already knows how to read and write and the fact that she is only in grade one makes Miss Caroline Fisher frustrated because Scout knows more than what she is expected to know. Miss Caroline Fisher concludes that Scouts father, Atticus is the one who has been teaching Scout how to read. Scout knows that Atticus has only read to her, and has never taught her how to read, so she denies what the teacher says. I believe that the teacher is mad because she expected everyone to be at the same level and since that is not the case, her curriculum has to be changed or kept the same as long as Scout does not participate. I believe the teacher should be a grateful for having as student as smart as Scout because that means that she could learn more things at a young age.

A student in Scout´s class called Walter Cunningham doesn’t have lunch, so Miss Caroline gives him a quarter to buy lunch but he does not receive it because he knows that he is not able to pay it back. Walter Cunningham has a large and poor family, and he knows that he can’t pay his teacher so he rather not receive it. Since the teacher insists the boy to take the money, Scout decides to explain the situation but she did not understood and gets frustrated. Scouts ends up been slap with a ruler by the teacher. In the novel we start to see that there is discrimination and bullying done from the teacher to the student.  In addition, The information about the money ( quarter) to buy a lunch and that the teacher slaps Scout´s hand gives us hints that the story does not take  placed in the modern times. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To kill a mockingbird summary: chapter 1

                The novel to kill a mockingbird is written by Harper lee. In chapter one we get meet the protagonist, Jean Louis Finch or more often called throughout the novel as Scout. At the beginning of the chapter she starts explaining how her older brother, Jem, broke his arm. As background information, she tells about her family history. Scout's first ancestor was a fur-trader and apothecary named Simon Finch. Simon Finch fled from England and migrated to America to escape religious persecution. He established a successful farm on the banks of the Alabama River; Finch’s Landing was called. The members of the family used the farm to make living but the first members of the family who broke this tradition was  Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, who became a lawyer in the nearby town of Maycomb, and his brother, Jack Finch, who went to medical school in Boston. The only one who stayed in the farm was their sister, Alexandra Finch.
                After that short introduction of the family history we get to learn more about Scout's life.  Scout's mother died when she was two and when his brother was four. Scout does not remember his mother, but his brother Jem has memories of her. The role of a mother is taken by Calpurnia. Calpurnia is a black women who cooks for the Finch family and helps raise the children and the house. We are also introduced to Charles Baker Harris or more often called Dill. Dill, Scout and Jem meet in the summer of 1993 when Jem is 10 years old and Scout is 6 years old. Dill comes every summer vacation to stay with his aunt Miss Rachel Haverford, who owns the house next to the Finches. Dill is a talkative, energetic and intelligent boy who becomes very close friends with Scout and Jem. In the summer day act out various stories that they have read as entertainment. When they got too tired of playing games of acting out, Dill suggests to lure Boo Radley to get out of his house.  Boo Radley is mysterious neighbor that lives in the Radley Place. This man has not gone outside in many years because when he was a kid he got into trouble with the law and his father imprisoned him in the house as punishment. He was not heard from until fifteen years later, when he stabbed his father with a pair of scissors. People from the town knew that Boo was crazy but Mr. Radley refused to have his son committed to an asylum. When Mr.  Radley died, Boo's brother, Nathan, came to live with Boo. Dill wants to know more about Boo and sees him as a phantom that never comes outside. At the end of the chapter they starts to a play a game where Jem is dared to touch the house, Jem runs very fast and gets to be with Scout and Dill safely. Scout in the other hand, sees someone move, as if someone was peeking out of the window.