Monday, April 21, 2014

chapter 6

In chapter 6 we get to experience another adventure propensities from Jem, Dill and Scout. They all decided to sneak into the Radley place by peeking in the windows. All the sudden they see a shadow of a man with a hat and they escape under the fence of the schoolyard as soon as they heard a shotgun. When Jem, Scout and Dill escape, they find themselves with all the neighbors gather; Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Maudie tell the people that   Mr. Nathan Radley shot at a Negro in his yard. When Atticus ses Jem, he asks him were his pants were and Dill to cover him says that they were playing strip poker. Jem's pants was actually caught by the Radley fence when they were escaping.  In the night, Jem sneaks out to the Radley Place, and gets his pants.

Analysis: Chapters 4–6

Hitherto, we can see that Boo's character has been slowly changing. His abominable recognition is changing, now he is transforming from a monster into a human being. All the stricture are being sagged by the sympathetic people such as Aittucs, and  Miss Maudie. Their attiude is different towards Boo, they believe he is benevolent, and all the libels have turned him into a monster. Miss Maudie says that he is not a demon, and he is a victim that has suffered at the hands of a tyrannically religious family. Boo has lived a childhood with a mad father obsessed with sin and retribution. Boo is venerable by the people who know his real events of life that leaded him to be taciturn and sullen.

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